
Weekly Readings/每周追求
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Archived Weekly Reading





2025-02-02 — 2025-02-08 第七篇 生命的粮 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Seven: The Bread of Life ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2025-01-26 — 2025-02-01 第六篇 基督作为神的话 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Six: Christ as the Word of God ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2025-01-19 — 2025-01-25 第五篇 享受基督作为新约禧年的实际 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Five: Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the New Testament Jubilee ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2025-01-12 — 2025-01-18 第四篇 国度是征服背叛,也是主耶稣的变化形像 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Four: The Kingdom as the Subduing of Rebellion and as the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2025-01-05 — 2025-01-11 第三篇 借着将万民浸入父、子、圣灵的名里,使他们作主的门徒 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Three: Discipling All the Nations by Baptizing Them into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-12-29 — 2025-01-04 第二篇 基督作为那行为受属天管治者、我们的牧人、我们的安息以及那撒种者 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Two: Christ as the One with the Heavenly-ruled Deeds, Our Shepherd, Our Rest, and the Sower ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-12-22 — 2024-12-28 第一篇 基督作为大光、有权柄者、医生、新郎、未漂过的布以及新酒 讲台信息, 纲目, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message One: Christ as the Great Light, the One Who Has Authority, the Physician, the Bridegroom, the Unfulled Cloth, and the New Wine ( Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



Memorial Day Blending Conference (May 24-27, 2024)


2024-12-15 — 2024-12-21 第六篇 三一神在基督里借着照在我们心里而作我们的生命 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Six: The Triune God in Christ Being Life to Us by Shining in Our Hearts ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-12-08 — 2024-12-14 第五篇 享受生命的流带着生命的供应,出于并为着神宏伟的殿,借此过基督徒的生活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Five: Living the Christian Life by Enjoying the Flow of Life with the Ministry of Life out of and for the Magnificent House of God ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-12-01 — 2024-12-07 第四篇 住在基督这真葡萄树上 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Four: Abiding in Christ as the True Vine ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-11-24 — 2024-11-30 第三篇 作为圣膏油之复合膏油的内在意义与启示—经过过程之三一神的复合、包罗万有之灵完满的预表 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Three: The Intrinsic Significance and Revelation of the Compound Ointment as the Holy Anointing Oil - a Full Type of the Compound, All-inclusive Spirit of the Processed Triune God ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2024-11-17 — 2024-11-23 第二篇 接枝的生命 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message Two: A Grafted Life ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-11-10 — 2024-11-16 第一篇 基督徒生活的内在意义 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英)
Message One: The Intrinsic Significance of the Christian Life ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline, Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (April 2024)

Being A Vessel Unto Honor, A Fully Equipped Man Of God, By Being Empowered In The Grace Which Is In Christ Jesus To Fully Accomplish Our Ministry In The Unique Ministry Of God's Economy

2024-11-03 — 2024-11-09 第八篇 “尽你的职事” 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eight: "Fully Accomplish Your Ministry" ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-10-27 — 2024-11-02 第七篇 主与我们的灵同在,作我们加力的恩典,使我们能供应神永远经纶的健康教训,讲说生命之恩的健康话语,为着生机地建造召会作基督的身体 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Seven: The Lord Being with Our Spirit to Be Our Empowering Grace, Enabling Us to Minister the Healthy Teaching of God's Eternal Economy, Speaking with Healthy Words of the Grace of Life for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-10-20 — 2024-10-26 第六篇 作贵重的器皿,同那清心呼求主的人,竭力追求公义、信、爱、和平 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six: Being a Vessel unto Honor, and Pursuing Righteousness, Faith, Love, Peace with Those Who Call on the Lord out of a Pure Heart ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2024-10-13 — 2024-10-19 第五篇 借着吸入并呼出神的话作神的气,成为装备齐全的神人 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five: Being a Fully Equipped Man of God by Inhaling and Exhaling the Word of God as the Breath of God ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-10-06 — 2024-10-12 第四篇 基督把死废掉,将生命和不朽坏照耀出来,以及我们记念大卫的后裔耶稣基督从死人中得复活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four: Christ Nullifying Death and Bringing Life and Incorruption to Light, and Our Remembering Jesus Christ, the Seed of David, Raised from the Dead ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-09-29 — 2024-10-05 第三篇 在基督耶稣里的恩典上得着加力,成为教师、精兵、竞赛者、农夫和工人 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three: Being Empowered in the Grace Which Is in Christ Jesus to Be Teachers, Soldiers, Contenders, Farmers, and Workmen ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-09-22 — 2024-09-28 第二篇 神按祂自己的定旨召了我们 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two: God Calling Us according to His Own Purpose ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-09-15 — 2024-09-21 第一篇 建立操练灵的习惯,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,借此活在神永远经纶的实际里,以完成这经纶 讲台信息, 主日申言操練指引, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One: Living in the Reality of God's Eternal Economy for Its Fulfillment by Building Up a Habit of Exercising Our Spirit, Fanning Our God-given Spirit into Flame ( Morning Nourishment, Morning Nourishment (CH_EN), Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



2024 International Chinese-speaking Conference

Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord's Appearing in Order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness

2024-09-08 — 2024-09-14 第五篇 得着基督作公义冠冕的国度赏赐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five Receiving the Kingdom Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures , Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-09-01 — 2024-09-07 第四篇 照着雅歌的内在意义,维持我们对主的爱,而爱主的显现 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four Loving the Lord's Appearing by Maintaining Our Love for Him according to the Intrinsic Significance of Song of Songs ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2024-08-25 — 2024-08-31 第三篇 守住信仰 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three Keeping the Faith ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2024-08-18 — 2024-08-24 第二篇 跑尽当跑的赛程 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two Finishing the Course ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-08-11 — 2024-08-17 第一篇 打美好的仗 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One: Fighting the Good Fight ( Morning Nourishment, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training




Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to Make Herself Ready for the Lord's Coming

2024-08-04 — 2024-08-10 第十二篇 过享受基督作美地的生活,结果产生殿,就是神的居所,以及城,就是神的国 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Twelve: Living a Life of Enjoying Christ as the Good Land with the Temple, the Dwelling Place of God, and the City, the Kingdom of God, as Its Issue ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-07-28 — 2024-08-03 第十一篇 美地出产的富余以及在真实里对父神团体的敬拜 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eleven: The Surplus of the Produce of the Good Land and the Corporate Worship of God the Father in Truthfulness ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-07-21 — 2024-07-27 第十篇 我们要据有基督作美地所必须看见并经历的管制原则 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Ten: Governing Principles That We Need to See and Experience in Order to Possess Christ as the Good Land ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-07-14 — 2024-07-20 第九篇 那地有石榴树 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Nine: A Land of Pomegranates ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-07-07 — 2024-07-13 第八篇 经历并享受包罗万有的基督作美地—我们在那地一无所缺 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eight: Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land-a Land in Which We Do Not Lack Anything ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-06-30 — 2024-07-06 第七篇 认识升天 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Seven: Knowing the Ascension ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-06-23 — 2024-06-29 第六篇 基督作我们安息日的安息,由迦南美地所预表 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six: Christ as Our Sabbath Rest, Typified by the Good Land of Canaan ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-06-16 — 2024-06-22 第五篇 那地有葡萄树 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five: A Land of Vines ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-06-09 — 2024-06-15 第四篇 包罗万有的基督作美地—那地有川,有泉,有源,从谷中和山上流出水来 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four: The All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land - a Land of Waterbrooks, of Springs and of Fountains, Flowing Forth in Valleys and in Mountains ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-06-02 — 2024-06-08 第三篇 那地有小麦与大麦 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three: A Land of Wheat and Barley ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-05-26 — 2024-06-01 第二篇 借着留意基督劝戒和警告的话,并借着接受祂的重新训练,使我们里面的人 日日得更新,而承受包罗万有的基督作美地 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two: Inheriting the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land by Taking Heed to His Words of Advice and Warnings and by Receiving His Renewed Training to Have Our Inner Man Renewed Day by Day ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-05-19 — 2024-05-25 第一篇 为美地争战 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One: Fighting for the Good Land ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



The Thanksgiving Blending Conference (November 2023)


2024-05-12 — 2024-05-18 第六篇 那摆在基督前面的喜乐与那摆在我们前面的喜乐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操 練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six: The Joy Set before Christ and the Joy Set before Us ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-05-05 — 2024-05-11 第五篇 约瑟一生中所见成熟生命掌权的一面 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操 練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five: The Reigning Aspect of the Mature Life Seen in the Life of Joseph ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-04-28 — 2024-05-04 第四篇 认识包罗万有的基督并以神的增长而长大 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操 練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four: Knowing the All-inclusive Christ and Growing with the Growth of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-04-21 — 2024-04-27 第三篇 对付我们的心,使我们里面神圣生命的种子长大,以致我们在生命上达到成熟,为着在生命里神的建造 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操 練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three: Dealing with Our Heart for the Growth of the Divine Seed of Life within Us unto Our Maturity in Life for God's Building in Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-04-14 — 2024-04-20 第二篇 三一神的喜乐成为我们的喜乐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操 練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two: The Joy of the Triune God Becoming Our Joy ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-04-07 — 2024-04-13 第一篇 享受包罗万有的基督是召会一切难处的唯一解答 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One: The Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ as the Unique Solution to All Problems in the Church ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (October 2023)


2024-03-31 — 2024-04-06 第九篇 召会的功用(二)神在肉体里团体的显现 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Nine The Function of the Church (2) The Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-03-24 — 2024-03-30 第八篇 召会的功用(一)活神的家以及真理的柱石和根基 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eight The Function of the Church (1) The House of the Living God and the Pillar and Base of the Truth ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-03-17 — 2024-03-23 第七篇 使徒保罗的榜样 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Seven The Pattern of the Apostle Paul ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-03-10 — 2024-03-16 第六篇 基督的好执事 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six A Good Minister of Christ ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-03-03 — 2024-03-09 第五篇 在神的家中当怎样行—操练自己以至于敬虔 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five How to Conduct Ourselves in the House of God - Exercising Ourselves unto Godliness ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-02-25 — 2024-03-02 第四篇 为着正确召会生活的正确祷告生活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four A Proper Prayer Life for a Proper Church Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-02-18 — 2024-02-24 第三篇 完全认识真理 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three The Full Knowledge of the Truth ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2024-02-11 — 2024-02-17 第二篇 可称颂之神荣耀的福音 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two The Gospel of the Glory of the Blessed God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-02-04 — 2024-02-10 第一篇 按照神经纶的属天异象生活并事奉 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One Living and Serving according to the Heavenly Vision of God's Economy ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



2023 July Semiannual Training


2024-01-28 — 2024-02-03 第十二篇 成为新耶路撒冷 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Twelve Becoming the New Jerusalem ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-01-21 — 2024-01-27 第十一篇 终极完成的神与重生信徒之神人二性的合并—基督为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀的结果 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eleven The Divine-human Incorporation of the Consummated God with the Regenerated Believers - the Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-01-14 — 2024-01-20 第十篇 神人的神圣权利—有分于神的神性 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Ten The God-men's Divine Right to Participate in God's Divinity ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2024-01-07 — 2024-01-13 第九篇 基督在三个时期中丰满的职事 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Nine The Full Ministry of Christ in Three Stages ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-12-31 — 2024-01-06 第八篇 在生命中作王 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eight Reigning in Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-12-24 — 2023-12-30 第七篇 神完整救恩的两面─法理的救赎加上生机的拯救 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Seven The Two Aspects of God's Complete Salvation - Judicial Redemption Plus Organic Salvation ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-12-17 — 2023-12-23 第六篇 按着神牧养 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six Shepherding according to God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-12-10 — 2023-12-16 第五篇 神人的生活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five The God-man Living ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-12-03 — 2023-12-09 第四篇 相调与基督身体的实际 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four Blending and the Reality of the Body of Christ ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-11-26 — 2023-12-02 第三篇 神在基督里将祂自己建造到我们里面 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three God Building Himself in Christ into Our Being ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-11-19 — 2023-11-25 第二篇 神圣奥秘的范围 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two The Divine and Mystical Realm ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-11-12 — 2023-11-18 第一篇 神经纶终极的目标─神成为人,为要使人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神,好建造基督的身体,终极完成新耶路撒冷 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One The Ultimate Goal of God's Economy - God Became Man That Man Might Become God in Life and in Nature but Not in the Godhead for the Building Up of the Body of Christ to Consummate the New Jerusalem ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



International Memorial Day Blending Conference (May 2023)


2023-11-05 — 2023-11-11 第六篇 达到杰出的复活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six Attaining to the Out-resurrection ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-10-29 — 2023-11-04 第五篇 认识同基督受苦的交通, 以及模成祂的死 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five Knowing the Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings and Being Conformed to His Death ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-10-22 — 2023-10-28 第四篇 认识基督并祂复活的大能 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four Knowing Christ and the Power of His Resurrection ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-10-15 — 2023-10-21 第三篇 借着思念同一件事,在基督的心肠里与祂是一,并让神为着祂的美意在我们里面运行,使我们立志并行事,而同魂,以享受基督 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three Being One in Soul to Enjoy Christ by Thinking the One Thing, by Being One with Christ in His Inward Parts, and by Allowing God to Operate in Us the Willing and the Working for His Good Pleasure ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-10-08 — 2023-10-14 第二篇 学得在基督这位加力者里面作一切事的秘诀,使我们活基督、显大基督并赢得基督,好使祂在召会中得着荣耀 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two Learning the Secret of Doing All Things in Christ as the Empowering One for Us to Live Christ, Magnify Christ, and Gain Christ for His Glory in the Church ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-10-01 — 2023-10-07 第一篇 借着否认己并转向灵,以基督作一切而得着祂 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One Taking Christ as Everything to Gain Him by Denying Our Self and Turning to Our Spirit ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (March 2023)


2023-09-24 — 2023-09-30 第八篇 荣耀超越的基督作神无上的宝贝之异象、经历与享受,为着真正的召会生活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Eight The Vision, Experience, and Enjoyment of the Glorious and Excellent Christ as the Supreme Preciousness of God for the Genuine Church Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-09-17 — 2023-09-23 第七篇 经营包罗万有的基督—“流奶与蜜之地” — 并将基督的富余带到召会聚会中,为着展览基督并团体地敬拜神 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Seven Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ- "a Land Flowing with Milk and Honey"- and Bringing the Surplus of the Riches of Christ to the Meetings of the Church for an Exhibition of Christ and the Corporate Worship of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-09-10 — 2023-09-16 第六篇 让基督的平安在我们心里作仲裁,让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面, 并坚定持续地祷告,而有真正的召会生活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Six Allowing the Peace of Christ to Arbitrate in Our Hearts, Letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Us Richly, and Persevering in Prayer for the Genuine Church Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-09-03 — 2023-09-09 第五篇 凡所作的,都要在主耶稣的名里 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Five Doing All Things in the Name of the Lord Jesus ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2023-08-27 — 2023-09-02 第四篇 在真正的召会生活中, 以基督为我们的生活而显大祂,并对付己而有在神圣荣耀里的一 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Four Taking Christ as Our Living for His Magnification and Dealing with the Self for Our Oneness in the Divine Glory in the Genuine Church Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-08-20 — 2023-08-26 第三篇 为着召会这一个新人,以基督作我们的人位 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Three Taking Christ as Our Person for the Church as the One New Man ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2023-08-13 — 2023-08-19 第二篇 享受基督作素祭的实际,而有素祭的基督徒生活与素祭的召会生活,终极完成于新耶路撒冷这极大的素祭—三一神与三部分人调和的终极完成 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message Two Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Meal Offering to Have a Meal-offering Christian Life and a Meal-offering Church Life, Consummating in the New Jerusalem as a Great Meal Offering - the Ultimate Consummation of the Mingling of the Triune God with the Tripartite Man ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-08-06 — 2023-08-12 第一篇 被带回归向基督自己而有真正的召会生活 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言 (中英) )
Message One Being Brought Back to Christ Himself for the Genuine Church Life ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



2023 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference

Making Ourselves Ready For The Lord's Coming

2023-07-30 — 2023-08-05 第五篇 借着复兴的生活并牧养的工作,而为着主的来临将自己预备好 綱要附經文並講台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英), 晨興聖言
Message Five Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Having a Revived Living and a Labor of Shepherding ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-07-23 — 2023-07-29 第四篇 借着作忠信又精明的奴仆,而为着主的来临将自己预备好 綱要附經文並講台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言 (中英), 晨興聖言
Message Four Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Being a Faithful and Prudent Slave ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2023-07-16 — 2023-07-22 第三篇 借着留意申言者的话,如同留意照在暗处的灯,直等到天发亮,晨星在我们心里出现,而为着主的来临将自己预备好 綱要附經文並講台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英), 晨興聖言
Message Three Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Giving Heed to the Prophetic Word as to a Lamp Shining in a Dark Place Until the Day Dawns and the Morning Star Rises in Our Hearts ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-07-09 — 2023-07-15 第二篇 借着在生命里长大以至于成熟,而为着主的来临将自己预备好 綱要附經文並講台信息, 纲要附经文, 晨兴圣言 (中英), 晨興聖言
Message Two Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Growing in Life unto Maturity ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, )

Conferences & Training

2023-07-02 — 2023-07-08 第一篇 借着爱主的显现并且不爱现今的世代,而为着主的来临将自己预备好 綱要附經文並講台信息, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言, 晨興聖言
Message One Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Loving His Appearing and Not Loving the Present Age ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



2022 December Semiannual Training

Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther

2023-06-25 — 2023-07-01 第十二篇 自隐的神—隐藏的神 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Twelve A God Who Hides Himself - the Hidden God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-06-18 — 2023-06-24 第十一篇 以斯拉之职事与尼希米之领导的内在意义─活出并作出新耶路撒冷,以建造召会作神的家与神的国 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eleven The Intrinsic Significance of Ezra's Ministry and Nehemiah's Leadership - to Build Up the Church as the House of God and the Kingdom of God by Living Out and Working Out the New Jerusalem ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-06-11 — 2023-06-17 第十篇 以斯拉记和尼希米记这两卷恢复的书中心并重要的点—主恢复中正确并适当的领导 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Ten The Central and Crucial Point of the Recovery Books of Ezra and Nehemiah - the Proper and Adequate Leadership in the Lord's Recovery ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-06-04 — 2023-06-10 第九篇 建造与争战—为着召会的建造,需要从事属灵的争战 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Nine Building and Fighting - the Need to Engage in Spiritual Warfare for the Building of the Church ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-05-28 — 2023-06-03 第八篇 建造城墙,以保护作为神殿的召会 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eight Building the Wall of the City for the Protection of the Church as the House of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-05-21 — 2023-05-27 第七篇 尼希米—对神有时代价值之人的榜样 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Seven Nehemiah - a Pattern of One Who Has Dispensational Value to God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-05-14 — 2023-05-20 第六篇 洁净被掳归回之人的内在意义 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six The Intrinsic Significance of the Purification of the Returned Captives ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-05-07 — 2023-05-13 第五篇 祭司经学家以斯拉,以及需要许多以斯拉—精通神话语的人 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five Ezra, a Priestly Scribe, and the Need for Ezras - Those Skilled in the Word of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-04-30 — 2023-05-06 第四篇 借着神的申言者神圣的鼓励,恢复神殿的建造 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four The Recovery of the Building of the House of God through the Divine Encouragement of the Prophets of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-04-23 — 2023-04-29 第三篇 重建神的坛—燔祭坛 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three The Rebuilding of the Altar of God - the Altar of Burnt Offering ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-04-16 — 2023-04-22 第二篇 从被掳到巴比伦归回之后,在美地上生活极重要的方面 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two Crucial Aspects of Living in the Good Land after Returning from Captivity in Babylon ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-04-09 — 2023-04-15 第一篇 神在人历史中的行动,为着完成祂永远的经纶 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 結晶讀經訓練, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message One God's Move in Man's History for the Carrying Out of His Eternal Economy ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



2022 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference

The Divine Dispensing Of The Divine Trinity For The Divine Economy

2023-04-02 — 2023-04-08 第六篇 作向主敞开的器皿,并在神圣三一的神圣分赐里过平常的日子 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six Being a Vessel Open to the Lord and Living Ordinary Days in the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-03-26 — 2023-04-01 第五篇 以弗所书中所启示神圣三一的神圣分赐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity Revealed in the Book of Ephesians ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-03-19 — 2023-03-25 第四篇 借着呼吸那灵、喝生命的水、吃神的粮,经历神圣三一的神圣分赐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by Breathing the Spirit, Drinking the Water of Life, and Eating the Bread of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-03-12 — 2023-03-18 第三篇 凭着罗马八章里生命之灵的律,活在神圣三一的神圣分赐里 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three Living in the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8 ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-03-05 — 2023-03-11 第二篇 借着活在神圣的罗曼史里,经历神圣三一的神圣分赐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by Living in the Divine Romance ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-02-26 — 2023-03-04 第一篇 三一神永远的福分,借着神圣三一神圣地分赐到我们里面,好完成祂神圣的经纶 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message One The Eternal Blessing of the Triune God through the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into Us for the Accomplishing of His Divine Economy ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training



International Training For Elders And Responsible Ones (October 2022)

Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ

2023-02-19 — 2023-02-25 第八篇 照着主现今并终极的恢复,走神为着召会所定规的途径,就是非拉铁非的路,以带进新的复兴并转移时代 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eight Taking the God-ordained Pathway for the Church -the Way of Philadelphia- according to the Lord's Up-to-date and Ultimate Recovery to Bring Us into a New Revival to Turn the Age ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-02-12 — 2023-02-18 第七篇 借着在父的爱里得成全而得以完全,像天父完全一样 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Seven Being Perfect as the Heavenly Father Is Perfect by Being Perfected in His Love ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-02-05 — 2023-02-11 第六篇 主所赐给我们的新诫命—叫我们彼此相爱 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six The Lord's New Commandment Given to Us - That We Love One Another ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry )

Conferences & Training

2023-01-29 — 2023-02-04 第五篇 生命在爱中维持交通的洗涤 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five Life's Washing in Love to Maintain Fellowship ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-01-22 — 2023-01-28 第四篇 基督生机的身体在爱里把自己建造起来 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four The Organic Body of Christ Building Itself Up in Love ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-01-15 — 2023-01-21 第三篇 在不朽坏之中爱主耶稣基督 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three Loving the Lord Jesus Christ in Incorruptibility ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-01-08 — 2023-01-14 第二篇 雅歌—个别信徒与基督爱的交通中进展的经历,为着预备基督的新妇 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two Song of Songs - the Progressive Experience of an Individual Believer's Loving Fellowship with Christ for the Preparation of the Bride of Christ ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2023-01-01 — 2023-01-07 第一篇 爱主并彼此相爱—为着生机地建造召会作基督的身体,在我们所是和所作上极超越的路 讲台信息, 綱要附經文和職事信息摘錄 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言
Message One Loving the Lord and Loving One Another - the Most Excellent Way for Us to Be Anything and Do Anything for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ ( Outline&Scriptures&Excerpts from the Ministry )

Conferences & Training



2022 July Semiannual Training

Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Kings

2022-12-25 — 2022-12-31 第十二篇 借着在生命中作王,过得胜的生活,而成为生命城新耶路撒冷 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Twelve Living an Overcoming Life by Reigning in Life to Become the New Jerusalem as the City of Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-12-18 — 2022-12-24 第十一篇 背道、邱坛以及恢复真正一的立场 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eleven Apostasy, the High Places, and the Recovery of the Genuine Ground of Oneness (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-12-11 — 2022-12-17 第十篇 主的恢复—建造锡安 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Ten The Lord's Recovery - to Build Up Zion (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-12-04 — 2022-12-10 第九篇 神的殿充满神的荣耀 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Nine The Temple of God Filled with the Glory of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-11-27 — 2022-12-03 第八篇 长成在主里的圣殿 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eight Growing into a Holy Temple in the Lord (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-11-20 — 2022-11-26 第七篇 圣殿材料的内在意义 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Seven The Intrinsic Significance of the Materials of the Temple (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-11-13 — 2022-11-19 第六篇 与主一同从帐幕的召会生活往前到殿的召会生活,为着建造基督的身体作活神的殿 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six Going On with the Lord from the Tabernacle Church Life to the Temple Church Life for the Building Up of the Body of Christ as the Temple of the Living God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-11-06 — 2022-11-12 第五篇 为着召会作基督生机身体的建造,天然的才能与生命成熟之复活的才能相对 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five Natural Ability versus the Resurrected Ability of the Maturity of Life for the Building Up of the Church as the Organic Body of Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-10-30 — 2022-11-05 第四篇 所罗门辉煌的国预表千年国时期基督的国 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four Solomon's Splendid Kingdom Typifying Christ's Kingdom in the Millennium (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-10-23 — 2022-10-29 第三篇 以利沙预表基督在生命里尽恩典的职事,并且作为神人,行事如同神的代表,如同代理的神并预备打仗 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three Elisha Being a Type of Christ in His Ministry of Grace in Life and as a Man of God Behaving Himself as God's Representative, as the Acting God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-10-16 — 2022-10-22 第二篇 借着紧紧跟随那有时代异象的时代执事,而进入时代的职事─四段要紧的路程 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two Four Crucial Journeys to Enter into the Ministry of the Age by Closely Following the Minister of the Age with the Vision of the Age (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-10-09 — 2022-10-15 第一篇 列王纪中借着预表所揭示并传达关于神经纶的内在启示 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message One The Intrinsic Revelation in 1 and 2 Kings concerning the Economy of God Unveiled and Conveyed through Typology (Morning Nourishment, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



International Memorial Day Blending Conference (May 2022)

Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ As the Tree of Life

2022-10-02 — 2022-10-08 第六篇 成为基督这生命树的复制,而有供应生命的职事 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six Becoming a Reproduction of Christ as the Tree of Life for the Ministry of Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-09-25 — 2022-10-01 第五篇 过基督徒生活成为得胜者的秘诀—走吃基督并享受基督作生命树的路 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five The Secret of Living the Christian Life to Be an Overcomer - Taking the Way of Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-09-18 — 2022-09-24 第四篇 接枝到基督里而成为生命树的一部分 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four Grafted into Christ to Become Part of the Tree of Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-09-11 — 2022-09-17 第三篇 用起初的爱来爱主,享受主作生命树,并成为金灯台作耶稣的见证,为着建造那作神永远经纶之目标的新耶路撒冷 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three Loving the Lord with the First Love, Enjoying the Lord as the Tree of Life, and Being the Golden Lampstand as the Testimony of Jesus for the Building Up of the New Jerusalem as the Goal of God's Eternal Economy (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-09-04 — 2022-09-10 第二篇 两棵树与两种生活的原则 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two The Two Trees and the Two Principles of Living (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-08-28 — 2022-09-03 第一篇 走享受基督作生命树的路,为着成就神永远的经纶 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message One Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life for the Accomplishing of God's Eternal Economy (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-08-21 — 2022-08-27 晨兴追求: 新人喂养 – 奉献爱主   https://e-shepherding.org/3274/

God's Economy and Consecration to Love the Lord

Conferences & Training



2022 International Chinese-speaking Conference

The Grace of God in the Economy of God

2022-08-14 — 2022-08-20 第五篇 领受恩上加恩,好使恩典在我们里面登宝座,使我们在生命中作王,成为神的诗章—新耶路撒冷,作神经纶中恩典终极并完成的产品 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文 (中英), 申言聚会参考, 晨興聖言 (中英), 晨兴圣言
Message Five Receiving Grace upon Grace for Grace to Be Enthroned within Us So That We May Reign in Life to Become God's Poem, the New Jerusalem, as the Ultimate and Consummate Product of the Grace of God in His Economy ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2022-08-07 — 2022-08-13 第四篇 彼得书信中的恩典 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨興聖言 (中英), 晨兴圣言
Message Four Grace in Peter's Epistles ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2022-07-31 — 2022-08-06 第三篇 信徒经历神在祂经纶中的恩典,终极完成于召会作为基督生机的身体 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文 (中英), 申言聚会参考, 晨興聖言 (中英), 晨兴圣言
Message Three The Believers' Experience of the Grace of God in the Economy of God Consummating in the Church as the Organic Body of Christ ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures )

Conferences & Training

2022-07-24 — 2022-07-30 第二篇 经历神在祂经纶中的恩典 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨興聖言 (中英), 晨兴圣言
Message Two Experiencing the Grace of God in the Economy of God ( Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying )

Conferences & Training

2022-07-17 — 2022-07-23 第一篇 新约里所启示神的恩典极重大的意义 讲台信息, 纲要附经文, 綱要附經文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言
Message One The Tremendous Significance of the Grace of God as Revealed in the New Testament ( Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



2021 December Semiannual Training

Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Samuel

2022-07-10 — 2022-07-16 第十二篇 从撒母耳记里五个主要人物,看关于享受美地属灵的原则、生命的功课、以及圣别的警告 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Twelve Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warnings concerning the Enjoyment of the Good Land Seen with Five Major Figures in 1 and 2 Samuel (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-07-03 — 2022-07-09 第十一篇 大卫与亚比该预表争战的基督与争战的召会 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eleven David and Abigail Typifying the Warring Christ and the Warring Church (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-06-26 — 2022-07-02 第十篇 大卫、米非波设、以及神的恩慈 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Ten David, Mephibosheth, and the Kindness of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-06-19 — 2022-06-25 第九篇 召会作基督身体之生机的建造,乃是借着属灵新陈代谢的过程,照着信徒对内住基督的内里经历 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Nine The Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ through the Process of Spiritual Metabolism according to the Believers' Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-06-12 — 2022-06-18 第八篇 大卫的后裔成为神的儿子 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Eight The Seed of David Becoming the Son of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-06-05 — 2022-06-11 第七篇 大卫预表基督这真大卫—神要来之国的王 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Seven David Typifying Christ, the Real David - the King of the Coming Kingdom of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-05-29 — 2022-06-04 第六篇 从大卫的历史看属灵的原则、生命的功课、以及圣别的警告 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warnings Seen in the History of David (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-05-22 — 2022-05-28 第五篇 与亚玛力人争战 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five War with the Amalekites (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-05-15 — 2022-05-21 第四篇 约柜和帐幕的历史 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four The History of the Ark and the Tabernacle (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-05-08 — 2022-05-14 第三篇 从撒母耳的历史看属灵的原则、生命的功课、以及圣别的警告 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warnings Seen in the History of Samuel (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-05-01 — 2022-05-07 第二篇 哈拿的职事 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two The Hannah Ministry (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-04-24 — 2022-04-30 第一篇 撒母耳记的中心思想以及所启示的神圣三一 讲台信息, 講臺信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 綱要附經文, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message One The Central Thought of and the Divine Trinity as Revealed in 1 and 2 Samuel (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



Thanksgiving Conference (November 2021)

Living in and with the Divine Trinity

2022-04-17 — 2022-04-23 第六篇 与神圣三一同活(三)丰满的经历并享受神圣的三一 讲台信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Six Living with the Divine Trinity (3) Experiencing and Enjoying the Divine Trinity in Full (Morning Nourishment, Outline, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-04-10 — 2022-04-16 第五篇 与神圣三一同活(二)神在我们里面运行 讲台信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Five Living with the Divine Trinity (2) God Operating in Us (Morning Nourishment, Outline, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-04-03 — 2022-04-09 第四篇 与神圣三一同活(一)与基督这以马内利同活,并有复活的基督活在我们里面 讲台信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Four Living with the Divine Trinity (1) Living with Christ as Emmanuel and Having the Resurrected Christ Living in Us (Morning Nourishment, Outline, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-03-27 — 2022-04-02 第三篇 活在神圣三一里(二)活在神圣三一里—借着享受基督作生命的供应,借着活基督以显大祂,并借着我们灵里主耶稣的恩典 讲台信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Three Living in the Divine Trinity (2) Living in the Divine Trinity by Enjoying Christ as Our Life Supply, by Living Christ for His Magnification, and by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in Our Spirit (Morning Nourishment, Outline, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-03-20 — 2022-03-26 第二篇 活在神圣三一里(一)住在基督这真葡萄树里 讲台信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message Two Living in the Divine Trinity (1) Abiding in Christ as the True Vine (Morning Nourishment, Outline, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-03-13 — 2022-03-19 第一篇 在神圣行动里并在我们经历中,神圣的经纶连同神圣三一的神圣分赐 讲台信息, 纲要附经文 (中英), 主日申言操練指引, 晨兴圣言 (中英) )
Message One The Divine Economy with the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity in the Divine Move and in Our Experience (Morning Nourishment, Outline, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (October 2021)

Meeting God's Need and Present Needs in the Lord's Recovery

2022-03-06 — 2022-03-12 第八篇 接受、经历并享受基督作我们的王、我们的主、我们的头和我们的丈夫,为着建造基督的身体,以终极完成新耶路撒冷讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Eight Taking, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Our King, Our Lord, Our Head, and Our Husband for the Building Up of the Body of Christ to Consummate the New Jerusalem (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-02-27 — 2022-03-05 第七篇 我们需要经营包罗万有的基督,好得着出产,在召会中展览基督,并得着基督的富余带到召会聚会中,而团体地敬拜我们的父神讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Seven Our Need to Labor on the All-inclusive Christ to Have the Produce to Exhibit Christ in the Church and to Have a Surplus of Christ to Bring to the Church Meetings for the Corporate Worship of God Our Father (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-02-20 — 2022-02-26 第六篇 进入基督天上职事里美妙的牧养,作神的奴仆牧养神的召会,使神的梦得着应验讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Six Entering into Christ's Wonderful Shepherding in His Heavenly Ministry to Shepherd the Church of God as a Slave of God for the Fulfillment of the Dream of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-02-13 — 2022-02-19 第五篇 我们需要在生命的新样中生活行动,在灵的新样里服事,并且里面的人日日得更新讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Five Our Need to Walk in Newness of Life, to Serve in Newness of Spirit, and to Be Renewed in Our Inner Man Day by Day (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-02-06 — 2022-02-12 第四篇 祷告吸取神并发表神—借着和神作朋友的祷告,使我们能与神同工讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Four Prayer to Absorb God and to Express God by Praying to God as a Friend So That We Can Co-work with God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-01-30 — 2022-02-05 第三篇 需要发展我们在主里的信和我们对祂的爱讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Three The Need to Develop Our Faith in the Lord and Our Love for Him (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-01-23 — 2022-01-29 第二篇 神的喜悦讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英
Message Two God's Good Pleasure (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-01-16 — 2022-01-22 第一篇 神在今时代的需要讲台信息 纲目经节与摘要主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英)晨兴圣言中英)
Message One God's Need in the Present Age (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



2021 Memorial Day Conference

Knowing The Truth, Being Absolute For The Truth, And Proclaiming The Truth In The Present Evil Age

2022-01-09 — 2022-01-15 第六篇 认识并传布那按照时代的职事之今日的真理—神永远经纶的最高福音 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节中英, 主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英晨兴圣言中英
Message Six Knowing and Spreading the Up-to-date Truth of the Highest Gospel of God's Eternal Economy according to the Ministry of the Age (Holy Word Morning Revival, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2022-01-02 — 2022-01-08 第五篇 维持召会是真理的柱石和根基,也是神团体地显现于肉体这真理,并给这真理作见证 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节中英, 主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英晨兴圣言中英
Message Five Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth That the Church Is the Pillar and Base of the Truth and the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh (Holy Word Morning Revival, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-12-26 — 2022-01-01 第四篇 恢复约翰福音中的主观真理 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节中英, 主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英晨兴圣言中英
Message Four The Recovery of the Subjective Truths in the Gospel of John (Holy Word Morning Revival, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-12-19 — 2021-12-25 第三篇 为着完成神圣的经纶,被真理构成,并对真理的路以及真理的推广绝对 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节中英, 主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英晨兴圣言中英
Message Three Being Constituted with the Truth and Being Absolute for the Way of the Truth and the Propagation of the Truth for the Consummation of the Divine Economy (Holy Word Morning Revival, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-12-12 — 2021-12-18 第二篇 借真理得以圣别,从我们自己里面迁出来,进入三一神里面而真正成为一 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节中英, 主日申言操練指引晨興聖言中英晨兴圣言中英
Message Two Being Sanctified by the Truth to Move out of Ourselves and into the Triune God for the Genuine Oneness (Holy Word Morning Revival, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-12-05 — 2021-12-11 第一篇 认识真理,对真理绝对,维持真理的绝对,并在现今邪恶的世代给真理作见证 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴圣言中英
Message One Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth and for Upholding the Absoluteness of the Truth, and Testifying to the Truth in the Present Age of the World (Holy Word Morning Revival, Outline&Verses)

Conferences & Training

二〇二一年七月 半年度训练

约书亚记 士师记 路得记 结晶读经

2021 July Semiannual Training

Crystallization-study of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

2021-11-28 — 2021-12-04 第十二篇 在主的恢复里走生命的路信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Twelve Taking the Way of Life in the Lord's Recovery (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-11-21 — 2021-11-27 第十一篇 波阿斯与路得预表基督与召会信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Eleven Boaz and Ruth Typifying Christ and the Church (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-11-07 — 2021-11-20 第十篇 路得拣选她的目标,使用她的权利,寻找她的安息,并得着赏赐来为着神的经纶信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Ten Ruth's Choosing for Her Goal, Exercising Her Right, Seeking for Her Rest, and Receiving a Reward for God's Economy (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-10-31 — 2021-11-06 第九篇 以色列人没有王,各人行自己眼中看为正的事信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Nine The Children of Israel Not Having a King and Everyone Doing What Was Right in His Own Eyes (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-10-24 — 2021-10-30 第八篇 基甸作神大能勇士的内在意义信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Eight The Intrinsic Significance of Gideon as God's Valiant Warrior (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-10-17 — 2021-10-23 第七篇 神兴起底波拉作以色列的士师并作以色列的母,她实行女人对男人的服从,以守住神的定命,并将全以色列带进正确的等次,服在神的作王和作头之下信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Seven God's Raising Up of Deborah as a Judge of Israel and as a Mother in Israel Who Practiced the Female Submission to the Man in Order to Keep God's Ordination and Bring All of Israel into a Proper Order under God's Kingship and Headship (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-10-10 — 2021-10-16 第六篇 士师记的内在意义和以色列在敬拜神之事上的背道信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Six The Intrinsic Significance of the Book of Judges and the Apostasy of Israel in the Worshipping of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-10-03 — 2021-10-09 第五篇 迦南地的出产以及分配美地的内在意义信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Five The Produce of the Land of Canaan and the Intrinsic Significance of the Allotment of the Good Land (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-09-26 — 2021-10-02 第四篇 神的子民需要寻求主的指引,有主的同在,以展示祂的得胜,好建造祂的身体并扩展祂的国度信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Four The Need for God's People to Seek the Lord's Direction and Have the Lord's Presence to Display His Victory for the Building Up of His Body and the Spreading of His Kingdom (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-09-19 — 2021-09-25 第三篇 过约但河并预备打仗信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Three Crossing the Jordan River and Being Prepared for Battle (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-09-12 — 2021-09-18 第二篇 借着击败撒但的势力据有迦南地信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Two Possessing the Land of Canaan by Defeating the Satanic Forces (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-09-05 — 2021-09-11 第一篇 神对约书亚的吩咐、应许和鼓励信息,   纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message One God's Charge, Promise, and Encouragement to Joshua (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (April 2021)

Vital Factors For The Recovery Of The Church Life

2021-08-29 — 2021-09-04 第八篇 因素八:在恢复的召会中过得胜的生活,以终极完成神圣的经纶并成为新耶路撒冷讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Eight The Factor of Living an Overcoming Life in the Recovered Church to Consummate the Divine Economy and Become the New Jerusalem (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-08-22 — 2021-08-28 第七篇 因素七:相调为着基督身体的实际讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Seven The Factor of Blending for the Reality of the Body of Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-08-15 — 2021-08-21 第六篇 因素六:为着我们生命的长大并事奉上的用处,对付我们天然的个性讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Six The Factor of Dealing with Our Natural Disposition for Our Growth in Life and Our Usefulness in Service (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-08-08 — 2021-08-14 第五篇 因素五:真正的同心合意讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Five The Factor of the Genuine One Accord (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-08-01 — 2021-08-07 第四篇 因素四:基督的身体和地方召会中的权柄讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Four The Factor of Authority in the Body of Christ and in the Local Churches (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-07-25 — 2021-07-31 第三篇 因素三:召会是在三一神里,众地方召会作基督身体的彰显,以及众圣徒在身体的感觉里实行召会生活讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Three The Factor of the Church Being in the Triune God, the Local Churches Being Expressions of the Body of Christ, and the Believers Practicing the Church Life in the Consciousness of the Body (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-07-18 — 2021-07-24 第二篇 因素二:紧紧跟随那借着时代的职事所得时代完整的异象讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Two The Factor of Closely Following the Completed Vision of the Age through the Ministry of the Age (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-07-11 — 2021-07-17 第一篇 因素一:与主合作带进新的复兴,以终结这个世代讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要中英, 主日申言操練指引,晨兴喂养(中英
Message One The Factor of Cooperating with the Lord to Bring In a New Revival That Will End This Age (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Scriptures, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-07-04 — 2021-07-10

晨興追求: 新人餵養:我們是什麼

Morning Revival: What Are We by Watchman Nee

Conferences & Training

二〇二〇年十二月 半年度训练

约伯记·箴言·传道书 结晶读经

2020 December Semiannual Training

Crystallization-Study of Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

2021-06-27 — 2021-07-03 第十二篇 虚空的虚空,那在耶稣身上的实际,以及神的众子显示出来信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Twelve Vanity of Vanities, the Reality in Jesus, and the Revelation of the Sons of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-06-20 — 2021-06-26 第十一篇 在神的经纶里,敬畏主的内在意义信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Eleven The Intrinsic Significance of Fearing the Lord in the Economy of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-06-13 — 2021-06-19 第十篇 过敬虔的生活信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Ten Living a Godly Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-06-06 — 2021-06-12 第九篇 用祷告的灵读箴言,使之对我们成为金块和珠宝,加强我们追求基督的生活,以完成神的经纶信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Nine Reading the Book of Proverbs with a Praying Spirit So That It Will Render Us Nuggets and Gems to Strengthen Our Life of Pursuing Christ for the Fulfillment of God's Economy (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-05-30 — 2021-06-05 第八篇 神万般的智慧信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Eight The Multifarious Wisdom of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-05-23 — 2021-05-29 第七篇 关于旧约里神同着人并在人中间的行动,以及新约里神在人里的行动,以成就神的心愿并应付人在神面前的需要之内在神圣的启示信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Seven The Intrinsic Divine Revelation concerning the Move of God with and among Men in the Old Testament and concerning the Move of God in Man in the New Testament to Accomplish God's Heart's Desire and to Meet Man's Need before God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-05-16 — 2021-05-22 第六篇 得着神,好为着神的目的被神变化信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Six Gaining God to Be Transformed by God for the Purpose of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-05-09 — 2021-05-15 第五篇 神在约伯身上的目的—好人成为神人信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Five God's Intention with Job - a Good Man Becoming a God-man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-05-02 — 2021-05-08 第四篇 约伯与两棵树信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Four Job and the Two Trees (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-04-25 — 2021-05-01 第三篇 在旧约里约伯所经历神的销毁和剥夺,远不如在新约里保罗所经历的信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Three Job's Experience of God's Consuming and Stripping in the Old Testament Being Far Behind That of Paul in the New Testament (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-04-18 — 2021-04-24 第二篇 神、人和撒但信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message Two God, Man, and Satan (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-04-11 — 2021-04-17 第一篇 约伯记里重大的问题及其重大的答案信息,  纲目中英),  纲目经节中英主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Message One The Great Question in the Book of Job and the Great Answer (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training




The All-Inclusive, Extensive Christ Replacing Culture For The One New Man

2021-04-04 — 2021-04-10 第六篇 按照神经纶的宇宙历史—人类历史里的神圣历史,成就主的心愿,就是要得着一个在实际里的新人信息,  纲目经节綱目與經節主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨興餧養晨兴喂养中英
Message Six The Universal History according to God's Economy - the Divine History within the Human History to Fulfill the Lord's Heart's Desire to Have the One New Man in Reality (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-03-28 — 2021-04-03 第五篇 照着那在耶稣身上是实际者学基督,借此过一个新人的生活,而不是过我们文化的生活信息,  纲目经节綱目與經節主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨興餧養晨兴喂养中英
Message Five Living the Life of the One New Man instead of Our Culture by Learning Christ as the Reality Is in Jesus (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-03-21 — 2021-03-27 第四篇 因复活生命的新鲜供应日日得更新,以顶替我们的文化,并借着成为象新耶路撒冷一样的新,而在实际里成为一个新人信息,  纲目经节綱目與經節主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨興餧養晨兴喂养中英
Message Four Being Renewed Day by Day with the Fresh Supply of the Resurrection Life to Replace Our Culture and to Become the One New Man in Reality by Becoming as New as the New Jerusalem (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-03-14 — 2021-03-20 第三篇 新人的成分—顶替文化之包罗万有、延展无限的基督信息,  纲目经节綱目與經節主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨興餧養晨兴喂养中英
Message Three The Constituent of the One New Man - the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ Replacing Culture (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-03-07 — 2021-03-13 第二篇 活包罗万有、延展无限的基督,不活我们的文化信息,  纲目经节綱目與經節主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨興餧養晨兴喂养中英
Message Two Living the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ instead of Our Culture (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-02-28 — 2021-03-06 第一篇 我们的文化急切需要被包罗万有、延展无限的基督顶替信息,  纲目经节綱目與經節主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考晨興餧養晨兴喂养中英
Message One The Urgent Need for Our Culture to Be Replaced by the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training




Crystallization-Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations

2021-02-21 — 2021-02-27 第十二篇 按照我们属灵的经历,经历并享受新约的内容,以完成神的经纶 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Twelve Experiencing and Enjoying the Contents of the New Covenant according to Our Spiritual Experience for the Accomplishment of God's Economy (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-02-14 — 2021-02-20 第十一篇 合乎神心的牧者 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Eleven Shepherds according to God's Heart (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-02-07 — 2021-02-13 第十一篇 合乎神心的牧者 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Eleven Shepherds according to God's Heart (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-01-31 — 2021-02-06 第十篇 应许、预言、余数和恢复 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Ten The Promise, the Prophecy, the Remnant, and the Recovery (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-01-24 — 2021-01-30 第九篇 神对埃及与巴比伦的审判 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Nine God's Judgment upon Egypt and Babylon (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-01-17 — 2021-01-23 第八篇 耶利米书中神的经纶同祂的分赐 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Eight God's Economy with His Dispensing in the Book of Jeremiah (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-01-10 — 2021-01-16 第七篇 在永远之神耶和华的慈爱、怜恤和信实上认识祂 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Seven Knowing Jehovah, the Eternal God, in His Loving kindness, Compassions, and Faithfulness (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2021-01-03 — 2021-01-09 第六篇 耶利米书中所启示与神是一的原则 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Six The Principle of Being One with God as Revealed in the Book of Jeremiah (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-12-27 — 2021-01-02 第五篇 神是主宰的窑匠,将我们作成祂的器皿(祂的容器)以盛装祂 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Five God as Our Sovereign Potter Making Us His Vessels, His Containers, to Contain Him (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-12-20 — 2020-12-26 第四篇 神的话—神圣的供应作食物 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Four God's Words - the Divine Supply as Food (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-12-13 — 2020-12-19 第三篇 神百姓的两件恶事以及神在完成祂经纶上的信实 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Three The Two Evils of God's People and God's Faithfulness in Fulfilling His Economy (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-12-06 — 2020-12-12 第二篇 耶利米书的核仁 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Two The Kernel of the Book of Jeremiah (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-11-29 — 2020-12-05 第一篇 心里柔细的神那心里柔细的申言者耶利米 (信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message One Jeremiah, the Tenderhearted Prophet of the Tenderhearted God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-11-22 — 2020-11-28 神的经纶与奉献爱主

God's Economy and Consecration to Love the Lord

Conferences & Training



2020 Memorial Day Conference


2020-11-15 — 2020-11-21 第六周 新妇的预备 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Week Six The Preparation of the Bride (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-11-08 — 2020-11-14 第五周 答应神的呼召作祂时代的凭借,就是祂的得胜者,以转移时代 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Week Five Answering God's Call to Be His Dispensational Instrument, His Overcomers, to Turn the Age (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-11-01 — 2020-11-07 第四周 以神为我们的信心而恒切祷告 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Week Four Praying Persistently with God as Our Faith (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-10-25 — 2020-10-31 第三周 从神的经纶看宇宙的历史—人类历史里的神圣历史 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Week Three The Universal History according to God's Economy -- the Divine History within the Human History (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-10-18 — 2020-10-24 第二周 看见神宝座的异象、世界局势背后的属灵景象以及基督作神行政的中心 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Week Two Seeing a Vision of the Throne of God, the Spiritual Scene behind the World Situation, and Christ as the Center of God's Administration (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-10-11 — 2020-10-17 第一周 世界局势作为神在地上行动的指标,自基督升天到这世代末了之世界史的异象,为着预备主的回来传布主恢复的真理,以及分辨“这时期的兆头”而在祷告上坚定持续 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Week One The World Situation as the Indicator of God's Move on Earth, the Vision of World History from Christ's Ascension to the End of This Age, the Spreading of the Truths of the Lord's Recovery as a Preparation for His Coming Back, and Persevering In Prayer, While Discerning "the Signs of the Times" (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-10-04 — 2020-10-10 基督的身体与聚会生活

The Body of Christ and the Meeting Life

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (Spring 2020)

 The Will of God

2020-09-27 — 2020-10-03 第八周 聚会来明白并实行神的旨意講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Eight Meeting to Know and Do the Will of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-09-20 — 2020-09-26 第七周 负主的轭(父的旨意)且跟祂学,好使我们魂里得安息講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Seven Taking the Lord's Yoke (the Father's Will) upon Us and Learning from Him to Find Rest for Our Souls (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-09-13 — 2020-09-19 第六周 在神的国里在神行政下实行神的旨意,为使召会作神的以色列講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Six Doing the Will of God in the Kingdom of God under the Government of God for the Church as the Israel of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-08-30 — 2020-09-12 第五周 神的旨意—要我们成为圣别講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Five The Will of God - Our Sanctification (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-08-23 — 2020-08-29 第四周 过合乎神的心和旨意的生活講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Four Living a Life according to God's Heart and Will (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-08-16 — 2020-08-22 第三周 祷告使神的旨意行在地上講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Three Praying for God's Will to Be Done on Earth (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-08-09 — 2020-08-15 第二周 认识并有分于神高大的旨意,就是要使万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Two Knowing and Participating in God's Great and Lofty Will to Head Up All Things in Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-08-02 — 2020-08-08 第一周 神在宇宙中旨意的奥秘,至终是要借着召会作基督的身体而将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下講台信息讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week One The Mystery of God's Will in the Universe Ultimately Being to Head Up All Things in Christ through the Church as the Body of Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training




Knowing And Experiencing The All-Inclusive, Extensive Christ

2020-07-26 — 2020-08-01 第六周 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作我们的生命和新人的构成成分信息,  纲目经节, 申言聚会参考, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Six Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as Our Life and as the Constituent of the New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-07-19 — 2020-07-25 第五周 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作为神的奥秘信息,  纲目经节, 申言聚会参考, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Five Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Mystery of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-07-12 — 2020-07-18 第四周 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作一切正面事物的实际信息,  纲目经节, 申言聚会参考晨兴喂养中英
Week Four Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Reality of All Positive Things (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses)

Conferences & Training

2020-07-05 — 2020-07-11 第三周 包罗万有、延展无限的基督在万有中居首位信息,  纲目经节, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Three The All-inclusive, Extensive Christ Having the Preeminence in All Things (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-06-28 — 2020-07-04 第二周 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作美地—我们所分得的分信息,  纲目经节, 申言聚会参考, 晨兴喂养中英
Week Two Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Good Land -- Our Allotted Portion (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses)

Conferences & Training

2020-06-21 — 2020-06-27 第一周 神关于包罗万有、延展无限之基督的旨意信息,  纲目经节, 申言聚会参考, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week One The Will of God concerning the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training




Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy

2020-06-14 — 2020-06-20 第十二周 在神行政之下的生活与祝福信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Twelve Life and Blessing under the Government of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-06-07 — 2020-06-13 第十一周 在神行政之下召会生活的各面信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Eleven Aspects of the Church Life under the Government of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-05-31 — 2020-06-06 第十周 避免那与我们所保守的一相对的分裂,并拒绝那与我们为其争辩之信仰相对的背道信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Ten Avoiding Division, Which Is versus the Oneness That We Keep, and Rejecting Apostasy, Which Is versus the Faith That We Contend For (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-05-17 — 2020-05-30 第九周 在一的立场上与神同享基督信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Nine Enjoying Christ with God on the Ground of Oneness (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-05-10 — 2020-05-16 第八周 基督—受咒诅并挂在木头上的那一位信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Eight Christ -- the One Cursed and Hanged on a Tree (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-05-03 — 2020-05-09 第七周 基督—由摩西所预表的真申言者信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Seven Christ-the True Prophet Typified by Moses (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-04-26 — 2020-05-02 第六周 在那地的生活和那地的结果—召会作为殿,神的居所,并作为城,神的国信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Six Life in the Land and the Issue of the Land - the Church as the Temple, the Dwelling Place of God, and as the City, the Kingdom of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-04-19 — 2020-04-25 第五周 够资格承受应许之地(信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Five Becoming Qualified to Inherit the Promised Land (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-04-12 — 2020-04-18 第四周 那地的美好—其矿物(信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Four The Goodness of the Land - Its Minerals (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-04-05 — 2020-04-11 第三周 那地的美好—其食物(信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Three The Goodness of the Land - Its Food (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-03-29 — 2020-04-04 第二周 公义、圣别、信实、 施爱之神的行政管理(信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week Two The Governmental Administration of the Righteous, Holy, Faithful, and Loving God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-03-22 — 2020-03-28 第一周 申命记的内在意义— 一卷论到基督的书(信息, 綱目與經節, 主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Week One The Intrinsic Significance of Deuteronomy - a Book concerning Christ (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-03-15 — 2020-03-21 奇妙的灵

第1周:奇妙的灵 – 新人喂养 (電子版)
第1课:奇妙的灵 – 新人喂养(视频)

Conferences & Training

2020-03-08 — 2020-03-14 擘饼聚会聚会生活
Bread Breaking Meeting

Conferences & Training

二〇一九年秋 季国际长老及负责弟兄训练


International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (Fall 2019)

 The One New Man Fulfilling God's Purpose in Creating Man

2020-03-01 — 2020-03-07 第九篇 在一个新人的感觉里 实行召会生活,说一样的话,作一个工作(讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Nine Practicing the Church Life, Speaking the Same Thing, and Doing the One Work in the Consciousness of the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-02-23 — 2020-02-29 第八篇 为着一个新人尽神管家的职分讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Eight Carrying Out the Stewardship of God for the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-02-16 — 2020-02-22 第七篇 为着一个新人实际的出现,在我们心思的灵里得更新(讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Seven Being Renewed in the Spirit of Our Mind for the Practical Existence of the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-02-09 — 2020-02-15 第六篇 为着一个新人的实际与实行所需要的祷告讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Six The Prayer Needed for the Reality and Practicality of the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-02-02 — 2020-02-08 第五篇 照着神的运行劳苦,将每一个信徒 在基督里成熟地献上,好为着一个新人的功用与完成(讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Five Laboring according to God's Operation to Present Every Believer Full-grown in Christ for the Function and Consummation of the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-01-26 — 2020-02-01 第四篇 为着一个新人,接受基督作我们的人位(讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Four Taking Christ as Our Person for the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-01-19 — 2020-01-25 第三篇 一个新人的创造与产生讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Three The Creation and Bringing Forth of the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-01-12 — 2020-01-18 第二篇 基督作为人子、第二个人以及末后的亚当,成就神创 造人的心意(讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message Two Christ as the Son of Man, the Second Man, and the Last Adam Fulfilling God’s Intention in Creating Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2020-01-05 — 2020-01-11 第一篇 神永远的定旨与一个新人 (讲台信息, 纲目经节(中英), 申言聚会参考主日申言操練指引晨兴喂养中英
Message One God’s Eternal Purpose and the One New Man (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



2019 Memorial Day Conference

The Experience of Christ

2019-12-29 — 2020-01-04 第六篇 给人看出在基督里面,认识基督并竭力追求基督(讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Message Six Being Found in Christ, Knowing Christ, and Pursuing Christ (Message, Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses)

Conferences & Training

2019-12-22 — 2019-12-28 第五篇 因基督,并因以认识基督为至宝,不信靠肉体,并将万事看作亏损(讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Message Five Having No Confidence in the Flesh and Counting All Things to Be Loss on Account of Christ and the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ (Message, Morning Nourishment, Outline&VersesGuidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-12-15 — 2019-12-21 第四篇 住在基督这加能力者里面—经历基督的秘诀(讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Message Four Abiding in Christ as the Empowering One — the Secret of Experiencing Chris (Message, Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses)

Conferences & Training

2019-12-08 — 2019-12-14 第三篇 经历基督作我们常时的救恩(讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Message Three Experiencing Christ as Our Constant Salvation (Message, Morning Nourishment, Outline&VersesGuidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-12-01 — 2019-12-07 第二篇 认识并经历基督为榜样 (讲台信息, 纲目与经节,  申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Message Two Knowing and Experiencing Christ as the Pattern (Message, Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses)

Conferences & Training

2019-11-24 — 2019-11-30 第一篇 经历基督的内在意义(讲台信息, 纲目与经节, 主日申言操練指引, 申言聚会参考以重要经节来鸟瞰纲要晨兴喂养中英
Message One The Intrinsic Significance of the Experience of Christ (Message, Morning Nourishment, Outline&VersesGuidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training




Crystallization-Study of Numbers(2)

2019-11-17 — 2019-11-23 第十二 属灵争战的需要,以及神的子民编组成军,预备好争战(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Twelve The Necessity of Spiritual Warfare and God’s People Formed into an Army Ready for Battle (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-11-03 — 2019-11-16 第十一 全足者的异象—对神子民的神圣眼光(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Eleven The Vision of the All-sufficient One— the Divine View of God’s People (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-10-27 — 2019-11-02 第十 基督是从雅各而出的星(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Ten Christ as the Star out of Jacob (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-10-20 — 2019-10-26 第九 摩西愿意耶和华的百姓都是申言者(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Nine Moses Desiring That All Jehovah’s People Would Be Prophets (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-10-13 — 2019-10-19 第八 权柄、背叛、对代表权柄的表白、以及神正确的代表(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Eight Authority, Rebellion, the Vindication of Delegated Authority, and a Proper Representative of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-10-06 — 2019-10-12 第七 包罗万有的基督是按照神的选择 所分给众圣徒的分,作他们神圣的基业,给他们享受(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Seven The All-inclusive Christ Being the Allotted Portion of the Saints, according to God’s Choice, as Their Divine Inheritance for Their Enjoyment (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-09-29 — 2019-10-05 第六 由铜蛇所预表的基督(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Six Christ as Typified by the Bronze Serpent (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-09-22 — 2019-09-28 第五 除污秽的水(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Five The Water for Impurity  (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-09-15 — 2019-09-21 第四 吩咐磐石好饮于那灵这生命的水,以及挖井好让那灵这生命的水 在我们里面自由的涌流(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Four Speaking to the Rock to Drink of the Spirit as the Water of Life and Digging the Well to Allow the Spirit as the Water of Life to Flow Freely within Us  (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-09-08 — 2019-09-14 第三 更换饮食,吃属天的基督这属天吗哪的实际,使我们由基督重新构成,成为神的居所(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Three The Change of Our Diet to the Heavenly Christ as the Reality of the Heavenly Manna So That We May Be Reconstituted with Christ to Become God’s Dwelling Place (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-09-01 — 2019-09-07 第二 编组成军以保护神的见证,并为着祂在地上的行动争战,所需要的长大与成熟(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message Two: The Growth and Maturity Required for the Formation of the Army to Protect God’s Testimony and Fight for His Move on Earth (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-08-25 — 2019-08-31 第一 出埃及记、利未记和民数记中,关于神对祂所拣选并救赎之人的经纶这神圣启示的要略(信息, 纲目与经节,  主日申言操練指引申言聚会参考,  晨兴喂养中英
Message One: A Vital Sketch of the Divine Revelation in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s Economy with His Chosen and Redeemed People (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training



International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (Spring 2019)

 The Development of Kingdom of God in Christian Life and Church Life

2019-08-18 — 2019-08-24 第八篇 传扬国度的福音,并使万民作主的门徒,使神的国得着扩展与发展讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Eight Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Discipling All the Nations for the Spread and Development of the Kingdom of God (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-08-11 — 2019-08-17 第七篇 在生命上儆醒并在服事上忠信(讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Seven Being Watchful in Life and Faithful in Service (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-08-04 — 2019-08-10 第六篇 两个国度的冲突以及召会的工作和职责(讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Six The Conflict of the Two Kingdoms and the Work and Responsibility of the Church (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-07-28 — 2019-08-03 第五篇 国度的操练为着召会的建造(讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Five The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building Up of the Church (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-07-21 — 2019-07-27 第四篇 照着灵顾到别人 并领悟神的赦免 而过国度的生活讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Four Living the Kingdom Life by Taking Care of Others according to the Spirit and by Realizing God’s Forgiveness (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-07-14 — 2019-07-20 第三篇 国度与召会(讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Three The Kingdom and the Church (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-07-07 — 2019-07-13 第二篇 借着过隐藏的生活而过国度的生活(讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message Two Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training

2019-06-30 — 2019-07-06 第一篇 神的国发展为神在祂神圣生命里管治的范围讲台信息, 纲目经节与摘要, 主日申言操練指引晨興餧養, 晨兴喂养中英)
Message One The Development of the Kingdom of God into a Realm over Which God Rules in His Divine Life (Morning Nourishment, Outline&Verses&Excerpts from the Ministry, Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lord's Day Prophesying)

Conferences & Training


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